Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Supersetting Your Workouts

Supersetting your weight workouts is a very simple concept - doing 2 (or more in the case of giant supersets) exercises back to back with no rest between sets.  Its an excellent way to build muscle and burn fat at the same time. 

Supersets are beneficial because:-
- lactic acid is produced quicker in the muscles, and this helps boost growth hormone levels in your body
- they are time efficient.  With less rests between sets you get through your workout faster
- you increase your strength and develop faster

Different Types of Superset Workouts:-
Giant Supersets - you target one body part, but instead of doing 2 exercises back to back, you do 3 or more. They are usually very intense so should not be done too often. e.g. a dumbbell bicep curl, followed by a bicep cable curl, followed by a bicep concentration curl.

Antagonistic Supersets - you target directly opposing muscle groups and do one exercise of each. e.g. a leg extension (working your quadriceps) followed directly by a leg curl (working your hamstrings)

Single Body Part Supersets - doing 2 exercises targeting the same body part. e.g. a flat bench chest press followed by an incline chest fly exercise.

Pre-exhaust Supersets - doing an isolation exercise to pre-exhaust the targeted muscle group followed by a compound exercise where you work the targeted muscle with help from other muscles. e.g. a leg extension (targeting yoru quadriceps) followed by a squat (you use your quadriceps and hamstrings to perform this exercise). 

So if you are currently doing a weights program (that is not a superset program) and would like to build muscle and change it up try doing a superset program. 

This was my giant superset program I did yesterday for my arms. 
- Dumbbell bicep curls (10 reps) + bicep cable curls (10 reps) + bicep curls with tubing (10 reps) 1 minute rest
- Tricep rope pushdowns (10 reps) + tricep overhead extensions (10 reps) + dips (10 reps) 1 minute rest
- Dumbbell bicep curls (heavier weight, 10 reps) + bicep concentration curls (10 reps) + hammer curl (10 reps) 1 minute rest
- Tricep kickback (10 reps) + skull crushes (10 reps) + dips (10 reps) 1 minute rest
- Abdominal crunches on stability ball 4 x 20 reps + lower back extension on stability ball 4 x 20 reps

My arms feel great today!! They are tight but have a week to recover as I do one muscle group a day when I work out next time I do arms will be next week.
Try it and let me know how it goes! Robyn I know you will be on it!

1 comment:

  1. Back Workout - Supersetting

    - Pull ups (machine 10 reps) + lat pull downs (10 reps) + straight arm pulldowns (10 reps)
    ***3 sets of each***
    - One arm bent over rows (10 reps per side) + bent over cable rows wide grip (10 reps) + seated row (10 reps)
    ***3 sets of each***
    kneeling cable pull downs (10 reps) + bent over rows on BOSU arms together (10 reps) + lower back extensions on romanian chair (10 reps)
    ***3 sets of each***
    Bicycle abdominals (60 reps) + reverse tucks on stability ball (20 reps)
    ***2 sets of each***

    This is for you Robyn, good luck with it!!
